20 summer corn recipes for grilling, salads, soups and more

Corn is a summertime staple and for good reason. It's sweet, savory, versatile, filling and downright cheap. Come June or July, you can find an ear of corn for less than 50 cents and use it to make everything from corn chowder to corn kebabs. That's why we're rounding up all of our favorite corn recipes!

But first, you'll want to choose the best corn you can find when you're at the grocery store. Great dishes start with great produce! However, you'll want to avoid peeling back the husks to check, because in doing that, you'll make it go bad at a faster rate and ruin it for other potential shoppers (not to mention the dirty looks).

So first, look for a husk that's bright green and wrapped tightly. Feel the kernels through the husk to see if they're plump and that there are no "holes" where kernels should be. Then, check out the silk that's sticking out at the end—if it's dry or black, that's an old ear and you'll want to move on to another one.

Maybe the best part about corn is that it's relatively easy to cook. You can even throw it in the microwave for perfectly cooked kernels in under 4 minutes! One of our favorite ways to cook it, however, is on the grill with our favorite BBQ recipes. You can toss a little garlic herb butter on top or brush it with a Thai-inspired glaze.

For more of our favorite summer corn recipes, check out the slideshow above!
