How to microwave corn on the cob so it's ready in minutes


Corn on the cob is a summer staple, and while you can throw it on the grill or boil it in water, the easiest way to cook it may actually be steaming it in the microwave. Here's how to microwave corn on the cob so it's ready to eat in just a few minutes.

Leave the husk on

Quite possibly the best part about microwaving corn on the cob is that you won't need to remove the husk, at least not right away. Instead, you'll cook with it on, which will help trap in heat and moisture to cook the kernels evenly. Once it's done, the husk and all its silk will easily slide off.

Cook for 3-5 minutes

Place one to four ears of fresh corn in the microwave in an even layer. (If you want to make more, do it in batches.) For one or two ears, set the timer and cook for three minutes. For more ears or just really big ones, cook for an additional minute or two.

Let corn cool

Be careful taking your corn on the cob out of the microwave—it will be extremely hot! Once the ears are finished though, you'll need to let them cool.

Remove the husk

Once the husks are cool enough to touch, peel them off. To make it even easier, especially if they're still a little hot, you can use a knife to cut off about half an inch of the ear where the end of the stalk is. On the other end where the husks meet, using a pot holder or towel, squeeze the cob out (as if you were squeezing out the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube).

Enjoy your corn on the cob

And that's it! Douse your corn in butter and salt or try one of these savory corn recipes below.
