Poll: Most Americans view President Trump as 'not honest,' without good leadership skills

A new poll released this week reveals a majority of U.S. voters view President Trump as dishonest, lacking good leadership skills and failing to care for the American people.

According to the Quinnipiac poll released on Wednesday, 63 percent of voters believe Trump does not have good leadership skills compared to 34 percent who answered favorably. When asked if the president "is honest, or not," 62 percent said they think the president is "not honest," while 34 percent said he is honest.

The detailed look how Americans view Trump's temperament comes after the president's job approval ratings continue to dip in every major poll. Just this past week, Trump's approval rating fell to 38 percent with Rasmussen Report -- a right-leaning survey the president has boasted about in the past -- taking him below former President Barack Obama's lowest point ever. Another survey from Quinnipiac placed his approval at just 33 percent.

See where Trump is least and most popular:

"It's hard to pick what is the most alarming number in the troubling trail of new lows for President Donald Trump," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. "Profound embarrassment over his performance in office and deepening concern over his level-headedness have to raise the biggest red flags."

As internal leaks and an inability to unify Capitol Hill Republicans on health care reform continue to plague the White House, the Trump administration made externally-visible efforts to "right the ship" this week with the end of former communications director Anthony Scaramucci's short-lived White House tenure and the transition of Gen. John Kelly from Secretary of Homeland Security to the commander in chief's new chief of staff.

For a president with a close-knit, highly-influential Cabinet and advisory board, the inner workings of Trump's White House fell under scrutiny during former chief of staff Reince Priebus' West Wing reign -- including an open door policy between those like Trump's daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump and the Oval Office. But press secretary Sarah Sanders denied any internal "chaos" present in the White House.

"I've said it before: If you want to see chaos, come to my house with three preschoolers," Sanders said on Monday. "This doesn't hold a candle to that."

The New York Times reports that Gen. Kelly, with his imposing nature as a military veteran, has been quick to shake up standard Trump protocol in his first week on the job. From kicking staff members out of high-level meetings to reportedly cutting off advisers who aren't getting to the point, those who know Kelly say he is direct and likely intends to run a tight ship in his role as chief of staff.

Whether any of these personnel shifts will steer Trump's approval ratings remains to be seen. As Congress assumes August recess, the president will spend most of August at Bedminster Golf Course in New Jersey.

RELATED: President Trump's life inside the White House
