Rasmussen poll shows Trump’s approval has dipped below Obama’s lowest point

A new tracking poll from Rasmussen Reports, a source Trump has spoken fondly of in the past, shows the president's approval rating has taken another dive, reaching depths greater than the lowest point of Obama's 8-year tenure.

The results published on Wednesday put Trump's job performance approval at 38 percent, with 62 percent of respondents landing in the disapproval camp.

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Of those who gave the president a passing assessment, 25 percent said they "strongly approve." Fifty percent expressed their disapproval with equal conviction.

Rasmussen Reports has a history of returning approval numbers for Trump that are higher than those gathered by other groups, notes The Hill.

As such, the president has lauded the resource as being among the most reliable.

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In fact, in mid-June, he tweeted praise for the polling organization, writing, "The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating. That's higher than O's #'s!"

Rasmussen conducts its tracking polls on a daily basis, publishing results every 3 days. It surveys roughly 500 likely voters per report.
