New poll shows Trump plummeting to lowest job approval of presidency

President Donald Trump has seen his share of low job approval ratings since taking office, but none have been as low as the number coming out of the latest Quinnipiac University national poll.

Just 33 percent of Americans now say they approve of the job Trump is doing in the White House, a new low for an administration seemingly daily deals with turmoil ranging from high-profile White House staff firings to scandalous collusion allegations.

The survey, released on Wednesday, also shows a 61 percent job disapproval rating for the 45th president of the United States.

Click through for states with the highest and lowest Trump approval ratings:

Quinnipiac isn't alone in showing Trump standing with a sub-40 percent job approval rating -- Gallup has the president currently at 36 percent job approval with a 60 percent disapproval rating.

Even Rasmussen's daily tracking poll, the same survey Trump bragged about in June after reaching a 50 percent job approval rating, now shows the president with a 38 percent job approval rating -- the lowest number Rasmussen has reported for his entire presidency.

Wednesday's latest Quinnipiac details some other revealing numbers including that 71 percent of those polled said the president is "not levelheaded," with just 26 percent saying he is.

The survey also showed that 62 percent don't believe Trump is honest, with 63 percent saying the president "does not have good leadership skills."

Also, an overwhelming number of Americans appear to not enjoy the president's Twitter habit -- with 69 percent of participants saying he should shut down the Twitter machine, the biggest no-tweet vote so far.
