How people realistically become millionaires


Using the right tools and products can make a world of difference when it comes to dealing with your financial matters. With that in mind, each week we will be featuring one Finance Collective member approved product or tool that can help make your financial life a little bit easier. This week we are sharing the book "The Millionaire Mind," which will tell you how millionaires realistically achieve and maintain their wealth. Read on to see what Millennial Money Guide thinks!

"The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley. The basis of The Millionaire Mind is to provide an overview of the average millionaire, not the fortune 500 millionaires, but the ones that made their money through a very attainable means. The author takes the approach of supplying the reader with statistics about the average millionaire, which makes the reader feel like becoming a millionaire is no longer a wild dream but an attainable goal." -Millennial Money Guide
Buy "The Millionaire Mind" here!

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