You may have the ability to influence your baby's gender

Want A Baby Boy? Not Exercising, Eating Breakfast Might Help
Want A Baby Boy? Not Exercising, Eating Breakfast Might Help

Of course, all any parent wants is a healthy baby -- but apparently, you might be able to influence your baby's gender, if you so choose.

Fox News played a "Fact or Fiction" game with a specialist in women's health, Dr. Nancy Simpkins:

"If you want a boy, eat breakfast," Fox News anchor Elisabeth Hasselbeck said.

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"That is fact because the Y-chromosome tends to like a higher glucose environment," Dr. Nancy Simpkins said.

A 2008 study backs up the doctor. Women who ate cereal in the morning were more likely to have a baby boy thanks to the glucose.

But wait -- there's more!

"For a boy, ditch the cardio," Hasselbeck said.

"This is true. ... If you're doing a lot of cardio and you're dropping weight, it may not be so conducive to having a boy," Simpkins responded.

The doctor also mentioned that if the father drinks caffeine, the sperm carrying the Y chromosome swims faster and results in more boys.

Although, that coffee theory sounds more like an old wives' tale -- and if we're gonna follow those, women wanting a baby girl should eat chocolate. For a baby boy, they should eat red meat.

Wives tales involving gender are just the tip of the iceberg. How about this one? Eat yams to have twins -- or, drink cough syrup to speed up conception.

And if you're looking to improve your odds of conceiving, snack on some raw eggs, hot sauce and grapefruit juice.

We won't blame you if you take any and all of these suggestions with a grain of salt.

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