Study: Tetris can help beat unwanted cravings

Study: Tetris Can Help Beat Unwanted Cravings
Study: Tetris Can Help Beat Unwanted Cravings

If you have a hard time controlling your cravings, a new study suggests you should turn to Tetris.

The decades-old video game might help you ditch those unwanted impulses.

For the study psychologists asked a group of students to report whenever they had a craving and how strong it was. Half of the group was given iPads to play Tetris and the results found that their cravings were reduced by about 20% after just three minutes of gaming.

Researchers couldn't explain exactly why this happened -- but one theory is that playing a game like Tetris occupies the same parts of the brain associated with craving something.

One researcher said, "We think the Tetris effect happens because craving involves imagining the experience of consuming a particular substance or indulging in a particular activity."

Instead of imagining how great it would be to smoke or eat a bunch of fried food -- you focus on imagining how you're going to get those blocks to stack up successfully.

We can only imagine one problem with this solution: What happens when you start getting addicted to Tetris?

Hungry for more ... here are some decadent desserts:

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