Young man impersonating 81-year-old caught flying to New York with fake passport

A 32-year-old man was detained at an Indian airport on Sunday after he was caught pretending to be an elderly man in a wheelchair, according to India Today.

Jayesh Patel was attempting to travel from New Dehli to New York City with a fake passport when security officers noticed his disguise.

Patel had a passport with a photo of the elderly man, named Amrik Singh, whose birthday was listed as Feb. 1, 1983. The 32-year-old had donned a white beard, glasses and a turban to complete the costume.

"He posed as if he was very old and incapacitated," Shrikant Kishore, a senior official with the Central Industrial Security Force, told CNN.

Officers with India’s Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) first became suspicious when Patel — who was using a wheelchair — refused to let them search him, claiming he was unable to stand up. They then took him away for further questioning, where they noticed he was wearing glasses without any prescription.

He eventually admitted his true identity, although it's still unknown exactly why he was trying to use a fake passport. The CISF said in a statement that the difference between Patel and his alter ego was somewhat shocking.

"The appearance and skin texture of the passenger seemed to be much younger than mentioned in the passport," the CISF said in a statement.

Patel has been handed over to immigration officials, who are still investigating the case. His case follows another strange airport incident from the previous week, during which an American woman tried to smuggle a six-day-old baby through security.

That woman, Jennifer Talbot, was apprehended after security officers noticed she was hiding the small child inside of her carry-on bag. She said she was the child's aunt but did not have any documentation to support her claims.
