The best 15 Super Bowl commercials of all time

Ah, the Super Bowl. A day where our nation comes together to eat a lot of wings and revel in the camaraderie that is a good ol' fashioned game of American football.

And for the rest of us whom sports are lost upon, there are the commercials -- clearly the best part of the game.

I'm well aware that there are naysayers and die hard sports fanatics out there who will disagree with me on that. Maybe they'll even go as far as to draw some sort of parallel between me saying the commercials are the best part of the game and those heathens who say the crust is the best part of the pizza.

And to that I say: If Capitalism is the backbone of America, then commercials must be the backbone of the Super Bowl. You're welcome.

Here are the best 15 Super Bowl commercials ever, ranked, with absolutely no room for argument:

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