Senior EPA official resigns citing the 'triumph of myth over truth' under President Trump

A senior official at the EPA used her resignation letter to call out President Trump and agency head Scott Pruitt for putting "our children and grandchildren" at increased safety risk.

In a memo explaining her resignation, Betsy Southerland says Trump is damaging the agency's mission -- a place she's reportedly worked at for 30 years.

Southerland writes the EPA had been "the guiding light to make the 'right thing' happen for the greater good, including public health and safety."

Now, with Trump and Pruitt dismantling President Obama's climate policies, that's leading to "the temporary triumph of myth over truth."

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Trump has long championed representing the interests of coal miners but Southerland argues, "The truth is there is NO war on coal, there is NO economic crisis caused by environmental protection, and climate change IS caused by man's activities."

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But Southerland expressed hope writing, "It may take a few years and even an environmental disaster, but I am confident that Congress and the courts will eventually restore all the environmental protections repealed by this administration because the majority of the American people recognize that this protection of public health and safety is right and it is just."
