Melania Trump's 'social butterfly' status up for debate two weeks after White House move

It's been two weeks since first lady Melania Trump officially moved into the White House.

Melania told Fox and Friends that she doesn't really miss New York and that son Barron is "all settled" and "loves it here."

However, how social a first lady Mrs. Trump will be remains to be seen.

If her life in the nation's capital is anything like some say her New York life was, she won't be a fixture on the social scene.

RELATED: A look at Melania Trump in her White House role


Her husband, President Donald Trump, once said of her: "She would go home at night and didn't even want to go out with people. She was a very private person."

Previous first ladies have taken to D.C. life in their own ways.

Hillary Clinton has said she would walk around town wearing a baseball cap, sweats and sunglasses -- telling her security detail to try to blend in with tourists.

Michelle Obama, on the other hand, had a slightly different approach. She would go to the city's hottest restaurants and could be spotted taking exercise classes or shopping at Target.

As far as notable attendance at official White House events, Mrs. Trump has already engaged in a few.

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The Trumps have hosted multiple world leaders since President Trump assumed office -- including Panama President Juan Carlos Varela and his wife and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife.

The Trumps also visited Republican Rep. Steve Scalise at the hospital after he was shot during a congressional baseball practice in Virginia.

Melania Trump also attended the wedding of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin this past weekend.

RELATED: A look at first ladies through the years

Many in the D.C. community hope she will venture out of official duties. Head of the Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington is one person who hopes the president, first lady and White House staff choose to dine out.

However, if the first lady sticks with being a homebody, she'll have plenty to do in the 132-room mansion, which is equipped with a bowling alley, swimming pool, tennis courts and garden.
