Is the White House recording conversations? Sarah Huckabee Sanders has no idea

FBI Director James Comey has sparked a new round of questions surrounding whether or not President Trump has decided to record conversations that occur in the White House.

During his remarks to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, Comey said he never expected that the president might be recording his conversations until Trump tweeted about possible "tapes" on May 12.

SEE ALSO: Comey reveals what Trump whispered in his ear in their infamous handshake photo

"James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" Trump said at the time.

On Thursday, Comey called for those tapes, should they exist, to be made public.

"I've seen the tweet about tapes. Lordy, I hope there are tapes. The president knows if he taped me. And if he did, my feelings aren't hurt. Release all the tapes. I'm good with it," Comey said.

See some of the wildest reactions to Comey's testimony:

During an off-camera press briefing, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about whether or not there is a taping system in the White House, and said she had no idea, joking that she would "look under the couches for them."

SEE MORE: James Comey speaks out on Trump: 'I was honestly concerned he might lie'

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer challenged the White House to release the supposed tapes shortly after the meeting.

"It's awfully curious that no one from the president's team will either confirm or deny the existence of the tapes when the tapes are the only way to prove that Mr. Comey's testimony, which came under oath, are false or misleading," Schumer said.
