Mother blames Banana Boat sunscreen for baby's second-degree burns

A Canadian mother has warned other parents to be cautious when applying sunscreen to their children's skin after her 1-year-old daughter suffered second-degree chemical burns to her face.

In a now-viral Facebook post uploaded earlier this month, Rebecca Cannon said she purchased Banana Boat Kids SPF50 protect baby Kyla from the sun, only to be horrified by what happened next.

See devastating photos of baby Kyla's burns

"As the day went on, she got a little redder and redder and the next morning she woke up and was swollen, she was bright red, there were blisters starting to pop up," Rebecca Cannon told CBC/Radio-Canada."We immediately took her up to the doctors and found out she has second-degree burns."

Cannon acknowledged in hindsight she should have applied baby-specific sunscreen to Kyla as opposed to the alcohol-free child specific Banana Boat spray she opted for instead.

"I figured just putting it mildly on her face, for some protection rather than having none at all, would be OK and yeah, it didn't go over well," Cannon continued.

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Cannon told the outlet that she applied the same brand of sunscreen to her 3-year-old nephew but didn't see any adverse side effects.

The mother updated followers with details on May 11 in a Facebook post, in which she wrote that a dermatologist confirmed Kyla suffered second-degree chemical burns.

Cannon added that the 14-month-old has been recovering quickly.

"The swelling has gone down so much," Cannon wrote. "She still smiling though through all of this."

Here's the most recent photo of Kyla posted Monday:

Banana Boat issued the following statement in response to the incident:

"We are greatly concerned when any person encounters a reaction using our products," Banana Boat said in a statement. "We have spoken with the consumer and asked for the product so that our quality assurance team can look into this further. Without examining the product, it is difficult to determine what may have caused the problem as described."
