First lady Melania Trump to address US military families while abroad

First lady Melania Trump is set to join her husband President Donald Trump on his first foreign trip as president this week -- and he won't be the only one with a busy schedule.

The first lady will address U.S. military families and personnel and engage with foreign women and children.

RELATED: Melania's noteworthy moments during Trump's first 100 days

"I am very excited for the upcoming trip," Melania Trump said in a statement. "This will not just be an opportunity to support my husband as he works on important matters of national security and foreign relations, it will also be my honor to visit and speak with women and children from different countries, with different perspectives."

SEE ALSO: How the Trumps celebrated Mother's Day

The first lady will also attend programs for spouses at the NATO summit in Brussels, as well as the G-7 summit in Sicily, and she is expected to speak to U.S. military servicemen in Italy.

The Trumps are scheduled to leave Washington on Friday. They will visit Saudi Arabia, Israel, Rome, Brussels and Sicily.
