Why is everyone turning their backs on Hillary Clinton in this photo?


By Tommy Hawkins and Angie Dorr (Buzz60)

Why is everyone turning their back on Hillary Clinton?

An interesting campaign photo captures the selfie culture in 2016.

SEE ALSO: Candidates see boost in polls going into debate

Hillary Clinton's designer Victor Ng shared this photo taken by Barbara Kinnedy where Clinton was at an event in Orlando. The crowd began taking selfies— with her as wallpaper.

Whether it was spontaneous or scripted... Twitter was quite entertained as you can imagine.

One person compared a 2006 photo where it shows all the people reaching out to Hillary to the 2016 photo where everyone has their backs turned.

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However, one man was in the true 2006 spirit where he was seen as the solo person facing Clinton.

William Preston thought it was normal for Hillary to weigh-in before the fight.

All Kim Rees could do is shake her head saying she finds it sad today in order to show someone our interest, we have to turn our back to them. She says it feels wrong.

Florida is a key swing state where a recent CNN poll right showed Clinton slightly ahead -- so the selfie generation's vote will be important for both candidates.
