Kensington Palace confirms Prince George and Princess Charlotte will play roles in Pippa's wedding


Pippa Middleton and James Matthews are set to tie the knot on May 20 in a ceremony at St Mark's Church in Englefield, Berkshire -- and since it's not far off now, more details are starting to emerge about the big day.

Last week, we learned that her bachelorette party (or hen party) took place the same weekend as Prince William's infamous ski trip in March (yes, that's where Duchess Kate was). We also saw Kate leaving Pippa's house after a "bridal party summit" last Thursday, one week after she and William dined with their future brother-in-law's family. So, it's safe to say that preparations are well underway at this point -- if not already set in stone.

SEE ALSO: Duchess Kate threw Pippa's bachelorette party in France

This week, royal correspondent Richard Palmer is dishing juicy details about the guest list -- and we're pretty sure the best news yet has been revealed.

Prince George will be page boy and Princess Charlotte will be a bridesmaid. Squeal. We can't wait to see how adorable the both of them look.

Remember how cute they were at this party last year?!

In other guest news, it looks like those rumors about Meghan Markle not being on the list are true (no ring, no bring, it seems!). After all, reports that Pippa "banned" her brother-in-law's model girlfriend from the wedding surfaced last week, too.

As suspected, though, Duchess Kate, Prince William and Prince Harry will all be in attendance. As we learned late last year, Kate will not be a bridesmaid as to not draw attention away from the bride -- but we'll be waiting on baited breath to see her gown regardless, of course.

Still no word on the type of dress Pippa will don, but don't worry, we have some ideas. Watch the video below to see what we'd love to see her wear:
