Only 16 hotels from around the world are on TripAdvisor's new Hall of Fame list

Every year, millions of travelers drop their keys on the front desk of their hotels during checkout, then immediately whip out their phones to leave reviews.

It is no secret that people get brutal when anonymously leaving comments online (Need proof? Visit Justin Bieber's YouTube page), so it's always fascinating to see which hotels get showered with positivity.

TripAdvisor, the travel planning and booking site, released its Travelers' Choice Awards 2017 last month, honoring the hotels that received shining reviews in 2016. Less than one percent of the 1.1 million hotels listed on TripAdvisor won awards in categories like Luxury, Romance, Bargain and, of course, Top Overall.

It is miraculous enough for the public to nearly unanimously agree that a hotel is beautiful, friendly and clean in any given year, but what about those that are continuously commended? On Wednesday, TripAdvisor put together an inaugural Hall of Fame list to honor the only 16 properties who won a Travelers' Choice for Hotels Award 10 years in a row, 2008 through 2017.

The first inductees include four hotels in Europe and Asia, respectively, three in South America, two in North American and the Caribbean and one in Central America.

Perhaps most amazing is that of the 16 winners, not all will leave a hole in your wallet. Several have average rates of less than $100 per night, meaning your once-in-a-lifetime hotel experience will not leave you counting coins for restaurants and souvenirs.

Click below to see the inaugural Hall of Fame inductees and start thinking about hotels as more than just places to get some shut eye:
