Uber in hot water for 'insensitive' promotion -- Again


Oops they did it again – And this latest hiccup could be the last straw for many Uber users following months of mistakes, bad press and big scandals for the company.

Bad news seems to be synonymous with Uber's name lately, the company most recently coming under fire for a blog post published by an ex-employee claiming she was regularly sexually harassed in Uber's corporate office.

SEE ALSO: Uber whistleblower Susan Fowler breaks silence for first time since going public


And in today's Bad Uber News -- which seems to be becoming an all-too common trend -- angry customers are taking it to Twitter (as they have so often in the past) to revive the #DeleteUber hashtag towards Uber Philippines.

Late Sunday night, Uber Philippines tweeted a promotion offering free trips through the app in what appeared to be a harmless move:

Photo credit: Twitter

The reasoning for this was that a jeepney (the primary form of public transportation in the Philippines) strike was scheduled for Monday.

Rappler reports that the strike was being held in order to protest new government action, explaining that:

"These plans include phasing out old jeepneys as well as requiring operators to have at least 10 jeepneys and a minimum capital of P7 million to keep their franchises."

Let's just say riders in the Philippines were all but thrilled with the promotion, accusing Uber of taking advantage of a strike situation in order to attain new users:

This isn't the first time Uber's been accused of doing this exact same thing – In January, the company was under fire for charging surge price rates at JFK airport during a taxi driver strike.

The company has since tweeted out an apology:

The promo codes, however, are still valid.

RELATED: Uber CEO Travis Kalanick

More on AOL.com:
An email fail made Google suspect Uber was copying its self-driving car technology
NYT report uncovers new harassment claims at Uber
Uber's ratings are in the toilet
