Money Motivation: How to take a leap of faith


Finding the motivation to keep up with your finances after a major set back or an unexpected expense can be difficult, but you can get back on track. Money Motivation is a new series where we will be featuring inspiring and uplifting advice from Finance Collective members that can help you take a step back and reevaluate your financial situation, so you can make a plan for how best to move forward. This week's advice comes from Financial Best Life and is all about taking a leap of faith:

"I think when you fully commit to a big leap of faith – really commit and spend your time making it happen instead of sitting around being all wishy washy with your feelings – that there are too many details to coordinate in making your leap a reality that you don't have time to look back on what you're doing.

Once the train leaves the station on a leap of faith, you kinda have to just go. And that's the beauty of it. Fully committing keeps you too busy to be afraid.

When you leap, you're leaping TOWARD something on the other side. There's always another side. Ask yourself, "What's the worst that can happen?" So, when you land on the side you want to be on, don't look back. Instead, take a moment to enjoy this big win. Celebrating wins and rewarding ourselves is so, so important to our own well being.

Because you see, when your heart is fully ready and working toward making your dream a reality, you really don't have time for anything else." -Financial Best Life

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