These are the 3 things millennials prioritize in a home

How Important Are Millennials to the Housing Sector?
How Important Are Millennials to the Housing Sector?

Ah, millennials. The generation that prefers to simplify things to the bone and get what they want as easily as possible, which is why the majority of them still prefer to be paid in cash.

It's been found that millennials aren't necessarily buying in big cities, and that the affordability that comes with certain locations is a key factor. But knowing that location isn't a priority for the millennial homeowner doesn't answer what exactly millennials are looking for in a home.

SEE ALSO: Millennials are apparently too lazy to eat cereal

Thanks to a survey by Better Homes and Gardens, we have our answers. Here are the top 3 things millennials care about in a home:

1. Personalization

Woman holding bunting flags in living room
Woman holding bunting flags in living room


We're sure this one is a shocking revelation about the generation that's notorious for being all about "me, me, me." The study showed that 63 percent of millennials think that having a home customized to their tastes and needs is a top priority.

Customization is key to making any house feel like a home, regardless of age or generation. But for most millennials, who are most likely living in a starter apartment or small family home, making a space feel customized and unique can make all the difference in minimal square footage or a less than desirable location. In a time as progressive as today, most people (especially millennials) feel the need to express themselves to their fullest level of authenticity. It comes as no surprise that this would extend in to the realm of one's home.

2. Smart technology

holding a smart energy...
holding a smart energy...


70 percent of respondents agreed that smart technology makes their home more energy efficient, 67 percent agreed that it saves them time, and more than half use at least one of the smart technologies mentioned. Translation: smart technology is both appealing and familiar to millennials.

Millennials are lazy, and they'll admit it, too. It's a generation built around the idea of doing things the quickest way possible while expanding the minimal amount effort in order to still achieve top-tier results. And really, there's nothing negative about that. There are ways to be energy-efficient without over-confident, to be technologically advanced without shelling out thousands of dollars. Smart technology is a prime example. Millennials love smart appliances, ways to control to the lights from a remote, or the temperature from a touch screen. It's quick, it's greener than other electricity, and right now, it's not unaffordable.

It makes more sense to the millennial generation to spend money towards top-notch technology (think of how many millennials you know with smartphones) and personalization than it is to invest in something for longevity and grand scheme cost-effectiveness. Millennials prefer a well-decorated small space over an averagely furnished large space.

3. Outdoor aesthetics

Group of friends dishing up food at table
Group of friends dishing up food at table


Many millennials feel pressured to follow the trajectory of college straight to an office job. And even for those who do not, millennials are a generation completely consumed by technology and electronics. For these reasons alone, millennials crave relaxation and unplugging, whether it's conscious or not.

51 percent of millennials reported that they decorate their outdoor living space like they would an indoor dining or living room, with 77 percent agreeing that they want their outdoor living space to feel like a relaxing retreat. A comfortable outside is a great way to entertain guests and feel truly detached and relaxed, something that can be difficult for the generation that puts so much pressure on themselves to reach perfection.

On the flip side, it also shows millennials' dedication to enjoying the simpler things and not getting bogged down by the monotony of what they're expected to be doing. Having a space that looks as pretty on the outside as it does on the inside is something that's pretty obviously important to the generation that invented the selfie.

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