'Adorable kingpin' is reportedly daughter of DEA agent

World's Most Adorable Drug Kingpin
World's Most Adorable Drug Kingpin

Smiling innocently at the camera, this "adorable Drug Kingpin" (as the media has referred to her), was arrested on Nov. 6 in College Station, Texas on charges related to drug trafficking.

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Sarah Furay, 19, has recently been confirmed as the daughter of Drug Enforcement Agency officer, Bill Furay.

According to police reports, officers found more than 31.5 grams of packaged cocaine, 126 grams of high grade marijuana, 29 "ecstasy" tablets, methamphetamine and 60 doses of a drug similar to LSD, inside Sarah's College Station apartment.

As reported by local ABC affiliate, WFAA, "she was booked in the Brazos County Jail on three counts of manufacture/deliver of a controlled substance and one count of drug possession. She posted her $39,000 bond, and has been released."
%shareLinks-quote="The DEA confirmed that Sarah Furay, the daughter of DEA Special Agent Bill Furay, was arrested in College Station, TX on charges related to drug trafficking...The Furay family is dealing with this private matter as best they can." type="quote" author="DEA Public Affairs Officer, Barbara Carreno" authordesc="KAGS News" isquoteoftheday="false"% Furay's father, Bill, has reportedly been a DEA agent for over 20 years, and is well respected in the community. When asked for a personal comment, he simply said it was a "personal matter."

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