This video of a girl finding a kidney donor will make you tear up

Alana Duran / Facebook
Alana Duran / Facebook

Get your tissues ready for this one!

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Alana Duran has been patiently waiting for a kidney donation for the past four years, with no luck...until one "swipe right" changed her life.​

When Duran was just 12-years-old, she was diagnosed with Lupus, a devastating autoimmune disease. As she describes in her Facebook post:

%shareLinks-quote="In my case my Lupus was very active when I was younger resulting in a hip replacement, going into congestive heart failure, getting a pacemaker implanted, going into kidney failure and ultimately going on dialysis." type="quote" author="Alana Duran" authordesc="Facebook" isquoteoftheday="false"%

After meeting her girlfriend, Lori Interlicchio on the popular dating app, Tinder, the two instantly hit it off. Recently, Interlicchio got tested to see if she was a match for kidney donation, and turns out, she is!

Duran's girlfriend planned this amazing surprise to reveal the good news, and lucky for us, she caught it all on camera. Check it out (Skip to 3:35 if you're in a rush):

As most of you know I was diagnosed with Lupus at the age of 12. Lupus is an autoimmune disease where my body's immune...

Posted by Alana Duran on Friday, November 20, 2015

How incredibly generous? We wish the very best for both Lori and Alana!

Watch these two complete strangers become friends after live-saving kidney donation:

Complete Strangers Become Friends After Life-Saving Kidney Donation
Complete Strangers Become Friends After Life-Saving Kidney Donation

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