Anthony Bourdain delivers harsh wake-up call to Donald Trump

Bourdain On Trump's Immigration Plan: 'Every Restaurant Would Shut Down'
Bourdain On Trump's Immigration Plan: 'Every Restaurant Would Shut Down'

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump is not one to shy away from his opinions -- especially on immigration. But neither is celebrity chef, Anthony Bourdain.

Trump's intense stance on the issue has been at the center of celebrity backlash, with a growing list of A-listers including Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Damon, Lady Gaga, and Ricky Martin, lashing out against the candidate.

Anthony Bourdain is no exception. During a talk on SiriusXM's 'StandUP With Pete Dominick' , the top chef delivered his own version of a 'wake up call' to the real-estate mogul, claiming that if his deportation plan was enacted, virtually "every restaurant in America would shut down."

The TV personality drew from his own experiences, claiming "I grew up in the restaurant business — 30 years in the restaurant business. I came out of, like a lot of other white kids, I rolled out of a prestigious culinary institute and went to work in real restaurants. I walked into restaurants and always, the person who had been there the longest, who took the time to show me how it was done, was always Mexican or Central American. The backbone of the industry - meaning most of the people in my experience cooking, preparing your food. Twenty of those years in this business I was an employer, I was a manager employer. Never, in any of those years, not once, did anyone walk into my restaurant — any American-born kid — walk into my restaurant and say I'd like a job as a night porter or a dishwasher. Even a prep cook — few and far between. Just not willing to start at the bottom like that."

%shareLinks-quote="If Mr. Trump deports 11 million people or whatever he's talking about right now, every restaurant would shut down. " type="quote" author="Anthony Bourdain " authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

To hear the full interview, listen below:

Bourdain isn't the only high-profile figure in the business speaking out against Trump. Both José Andrés and Geoffrey Zakarian have pulled out their own establishments from Trump's new Washington, D.C. hotel.

For more of Donald Trump, scroll through the gallery below:

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