Christian town official insults gay teen in scathing Facebook post

Student Says He's Not Allowed To Bring Same-Sex Date To Dance
Student Says He's Not Allowed To Bring Same-Sex Date To Dance

Earlier this week, we reported the story of Lance Sanderson, a high school senior who was not allowed to bring a male date to his homecoming dance.

SEE MORE: Why this gay teen wasn't allowed to bring male date to school dance

Things are heating up even more now, as Lakeland Commissioner, Clark Plunk is under fire for scrutinizing Sanderson. Plunk took to Facebook to air his grievances, which are plentiful.

%shareLinks-quote="I would say let the little homo sue all he wants...Everyone shudders when the homosexuals say the word sue. They are vicious spiteful people." type="quote" author="Clark Plunk" authordesc="Facebook" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Here's a little more background: Lance Sanderson is an openly gay senior at Christian Brothers High School in Tennessee. He was recently denied the request to bring a male student from another school to the homecoming dance, which was this past Saturday. His story went viral, and he and the school were instantly thrust into the public spotlight.

Apparently, town official Clark Plunk was not too pleased with the negative press the school was getting, because he took to Facebook and said the following (these are Plunk's unedited Facebook posts, via Towleroad):

"It's a Christian school so i you don't like the rules don't go there. As usual you have one person trying to change the rules just for himself. I'm told by the alumni the gay kid is looking for publicity. I hate the term gay. It makes them sound like they are happy and 'Gay' And they want to call people that criticize them homophobes to make them sound mean. As a whole, gays are mean, cruel spiteful people with an axe to grind."

"The kids love the school a hate their school is in the limelight over a gay kid and his gay boyfriend....This is not about a homo and his rights it's about a school that is loved by thousands and their memories and their right to keep their history and Christian values intact"

"I would say let the little homo sue all he wants. The alumni of CBHS will meet him dollar for dollar and lawyer for lawyer. This is a threat to our values, our Christian values. Everyone shudders when the homosexuals say the word sue. They are vicious spiteful people."

Sanderson has since responded to Plunk's comments in a Facebook post of his own:

I have been shown a few intolerant comments that were made against myself and other LGBT people. I have nothing but...

Posted by Lance Sanderson on Wednesday, September 30, 2015

See more LGBT news here:

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