Man with playground fetish banned from going anywhere with a slide

Colorful playground
Colorful playground

(Photo via Getty/PrakobCh)

Talk about weird fetishes.

Police have banned a man in England who claims to have a fetish for children's playground equipment from going anywhere that has a slide, according to the Coventry Telegraph.

Christopher Johnson was arrested after officers found him performing sex with a slide at a local park in Stoke, England.

Johnson, 46, plead guilty to outraging public decency by behaving in an indecent manner. He received a Criminal Behavior Order which bans him from going anywhere with a slide present, including parks, recreation centers and swimming pools.

The man was also handed a three year community order, where he must undergo sex offender treatment and rehabilitation.

Cops were called to the area after four different people spotted Johnson performing the indecent act.

This isn't the first time Johnson's fetish has gotten him into trouble. He has also appeared in court for a similar offense, the Coventry Telegraph reported, after he undressed and simulated a sexual act on top of a slide at a different park.

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