Italian farmers are growing strawberries in underwater balloons

How to Harvest Strawberries
How to Harvest Strawberries

Growing and harvesting strawberries on land is one thing, but doing it underwater takes farming to a while new level.

Italian divers are doubling as farmers, using the floor of the sea as their harvesting area. The farmers use underwater greenhouses -- which resemble balloons -- to plant seeds of basil, lettuce, strawberry, and beans, creating an underwater harvest.

The underwater balloons, or transparent "biospheres" are a part of Nemo's Garden project, an initiative that has been around for three years now. They can be found in Savona, Italy, beneath the Bay of Noli. The project's goal is to create alternative sources of plant production in areas where environmental conditions make conventional farming unrealistic.

Ultimately, the effort has consistently been striving to discover and create an economically sound technology for alternative farming. While underwater balloon farming is innovative, it definitely requires a lot of work.

Is this the future of farming? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

See amazing photos of the underwater strawberry farming process in the gallery below:

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