Activists in New York are burning American flags

Is The American Flag As Offensive As The Confederate Flag?
Is The American Flag As Offensive As The Confederate Flag?

The Confederate flag controversy came as no surprise, especially after the Charleston shooting. Recently though, American flag controversy has also surfaced.

This week, activist group, Disarm NYPD is meeting in Brooklyn to host a "BYOF" (bring your own flag) party, where attendees are asked to bring their own American flag to burn. The group is protesting against the American flag because they feel that the it holds the same history and connotation as the Confederate flag.

It's not a coincidence that the event is happening on the evening of July 1, with the 4th of July right around the corner. The group is clearly trying to make a statement about their beliefs, and their event already has over 300 RSVPs.

What is your opinion on the American flag? Tell us in the comments below.

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