These Instagram pics are buzzing with spiked treats


We're always looking for ways to save time. Here's a great one: combine drinking and drunchies! We love happy hour and we love food. What could possibly be happier than boozy food?

These #boozyfood Instagram pictures have us looking forward to down time (or time to turn up!) more than ever.
Beer crispy treats...same carbs, more fun.

Nothing gets you toasted like bourbon sausage tostadas.

"I'll take a gin and tonic...heavy on the frosting."

Watermelon margarita pops add a refreshing pop (punny!) to your happy hour treat.

Chocolate-covered strawberries are for Valentine's day. Vodka-soaked strawberries are for every day.

We'll take an apricot brandy bar over a Cliff Bar any day.

There's more than water in that watermelon.

Can't be angry-a with sangria cupcakes!

Post your booze food recipes in the comments!

Have a sweet tooth? Try these spiked treats from a boozy Brooklyn bakery:​

Boozy Brooklyn Bakery Serves Up Spiked Treats
Boozy Brooklyn Bakery Serves Up Spiked Treats

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