The best equipped spots for Memorial Day weekend


Which Places Are Best Equipped for the Ultimate Memorial Day Weekend? FindTheHome

Get ready -- Memorial Day weekend is just around the corner! And whether you are traveling or staying put, some locations are perfect for the holiday while others may leave you wanting (some may even have you planning a last-minute road trip).

The map above measures the "Memorial Day Factor," taking into account the number of ice cream parlors, sailing outfits, swimming clubs, recreation clubs and veterans organizations, per capita, as well as the percentage of the population who is currently enrolled in the armed forces (They are who we're celebrating after all!).

You may be surprised by the results. How do your weekend plans stack up?

Wondering how the weather will be in the area you are celebrating? Here's your Memorial Day weekend forecast:

Memorial Day Forecast Brings Rain East
Memorial Day Forecast Brings Rain East

Want more? Dr. Beach's list of best beaches for 2015:
