The Internet loves this massive baby beluga

This Baby Beluga's Little Smile Will Brighten Your Day!
This Baby Beluga's Little Smile Will Brighten Your Day!

Congratulations to this mama beluga whale! Maris, a resident female whale at the Georgia Aquarium, delivered her calf on Mother's Day, May 10th, at 1:25 a.m.

The calf was delivered after hours of labor, weighing in at a staggering 125 pounds. Soon after delivery Maris helped her newborn to the surface for her very first gulp of air, a crucial milestone in mother-calf bonding.

We're all rooting for Maris and her little one!

Via the Georgia Aquarium

"While there are many milestones within the first year that this baby beluga girl must surpass to ensure its survival, the team is hopeful for a successful outcome."

Check out the Baltimore Aquarium's latest exhibit, granting up-close and personal access to the beauty of ocean habitat:

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