Boy who inspired book says he lied

'Boy Who Came Back From Heaven' Author Admits To Making It Up
'Boy Who Came Back From Heaven' Author Admits To Making It Up

The book "Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" is going back to the publisher.

Alex Malarkey, the then-six year old who claimed he died and briefly visited heaven, who detailed his experience in the book "Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" has admitted he made the whole thing up.

The 2010 book, written by Alex and his father Kevin, describes what Alex said he experienced after a 2004 car accident left him paralyzed and in a coma for six months. But now in an open letter published on the website Pulpit & Pen, Alex admits the story was fabricated.

He wrote, "I did not die. I did not go to heaven. I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention."

The now sixteen year old adds he made the claims prior to reading the Bible, and that he doesn't want to continue profiting from lies like so many others.

His father, Kevin, has not yet commented on his son's announcement, but his mother, Beth, blogged a few months ago that she was troubled by the book.

"It is both puzzling and painful to watch the book 'Boy Who Came Back From Heaven' not only continue to sell, but to continue, for the most part, to not be questioned. [...] Alex's name and identity are being used against his wishes.... How can this be going on? Great question.... How did it get this far?... Another great question."

According to the Washington Post, Tyndale House, the publisher of the book, announced they will immediately stop selling the book. While the book will be taken off shelves, other similar books continue to sell. Books like "90 Minutes In Heaven" and "Heaven Is For Real" are bestselling Christian books, though they are highly criticized within the Christian community.

At the very least Alex Malarkey's story was just that... malarkey.

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