Pa. troopers: Murder suspect Eric Frein 'playing games' in manhunt

Pa. Troopers: Murder Suspect 'Playing Games' in Manhunt
Pa. Troopers: Murder Suspect 'Playing Games' in Manhunt

Police believe they've spotted Eric Frein, the man accused of ambushing and murdering a state trooper, near the thick forests of northeastern Pennsylvania. Authorities believe he's playing games with them.

Lt. Col. George Bivens tells ABC, "We believe that Frein has prepared and planned extensively for months or maybe years for his attack and his efforts to avoid apprehension."

Officials have found empty packets of Serbian cigarettes and soiled diapers, which they believe belong to Frein. They also believe he's been letting himself be seen from a distance and then vanishing.

Frein is on the FBI's ten most wanted fugitives list and is considered to be "armed and extremely dangerous."

HLN reports, "His father, an army veteran, told police he trained his son to shoot ... and that he does not miss."

There are hundreds of local, state and federal agents on the hunt for the trained survivalist. As of Thursday, the hunt has lasted 13 days.

According to NBC, officials say, "He has made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers and also about wanting to commit mass acts of murder."

For safety reasons, residents were told stay in their homes.

Resident Josephine Mero tells ABC, "I have been a hostage. As well as all of my neighbors in the surrounding area."

Some are now contacting lawyers because they believe the officials "violated their constitutional rights."

ABC reports two rifles, including an AK-47, are missing from Frein's house. There is a $100,000 reward for any information that leads directly to his arrest.

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