Poll: Trump's approval rating historically low days before 100-day mark


President Trump entered the White House with the lowest approval rating in history, and with his numbers dropping once again over the weekend, it looks increasingly likely that he will end his first 100 days in office with record low support.

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The latest Gallup survey data released on Saturday shows that 40 percent of Americans approve of the job the president is doing -- with 54 percent saying that they disapprove.

Trump's 40 percent rating is the result of a three-point drop after climbing to 43 percent last Thursday -- which at the time was a month-long high for the president's rating.

Not only did Trump's approval number take a hit in the latest poll, but the president's disapproval rating, which stood at 50 percent last week, shot up four percentage points in just a few days.

Click through images of President Trump presenting the Purple Heart to injured soldier:

Trump now has the lowest rating of any president at this point in his first term in the history of Gallup tracking presidential approval -- which dates back to President Harry S. Truman's administration.

For comparison, the second lowest rating for a president nearing the 100-day mark is 48 perfect for President Gerald Ford, who had taken office following the resignation of President Richard Nixon and had never been elected either to the presidency or vice presidency.

At the 100-day mark President Barack Obama enjoyed a 65 percent approval rating. President George W. Bush sat at 62 percent 92 days into his first term, and President Ronald Reagan enjoyed the approval of 68 percent of voters as he crossed the 100-day milestone.

RELATED: President Trump approval rating

In recent history, President Bill Clinton's numbers are the closest to Trump's at this point in their respective first terms. In April of 1993, 55 percent of Americans approved of the job President Clinton was doing in the White House -– that prior record low is still 15 points higher than Trump's current 40 percent rating.

On Sunday, President Trump praised a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, while simultaneously criticizing them for being "wrong big on election," which showed 96 percent of Trump voters saying it was the right decision to vote for the billionaire, with just two percent saying they regret it.

That same poll, however, also showed that just 42 percent of Americans say they approve of what Trump is doing as president.

While President Trump seems to have a considerable support from his base, perhaps unsurprisingly, he remains unpopular among those that did not support him during the election.
