Anti-Trump protester put in chokehold and dragged out of rally

Anti-Trump Protester Put In A Chokehold By Cop At The Connecticut Rally
Anti-Trump Protester Put In A Chokehold By Cop At The Connecticut Rally

Donald Trump's latest rally took a tense turn when a police officer put an anti-Trump protester in a chokehold and dragged him out of a Bridgeport, Connecticut rally on Saturday.

Police pounced on the demonstrator, who was dressed in camouflage, after he attempted to run back into the Klein Memorial Auditorium while being escorted out for interrupting the GOP front-runner Donald Trump's speech.

SEE ALSO: Bills coach Rex Ryan delivered a surreal introduction of Trump at rally

The ejected protester was one of roughly a dozen tossed out of Trump's rally on Saturday.

The Republican presidential hopeful paused during his speech multiple times on Saturday due to protesters and interruptions. "They waste our time, but they make it interesting," Trump said while one protester was being ejected. "What's more fun than a Trump rally?" he continued.

Click through images from the Bridgeport, Connecticut rally:

While multiple protesters attempted to halt the proceedings, the billionaire businessman pushed through the outbursts, delivering a familiar message that often caused the Connecticut crowd to erupt in applause, screams, and chants of "Crooked Hillary" and "Build the wall."

Trump reiterated his plans to have Mexico build a wall on the America and Mexico border, and spoke about how the height of the structure would deter people from trying to cross over into the U.S..

"If they get up there, which they won't, they ain't coming down very fast," Trump continued by saying, "You see them right now, they go up, they jump down. It's a joke," a line from Trump that elicited members of the audience to yell, "Mexican jumping beans."

Despite the front-runner's chief adviser recently assuring the GOP that their party's front-runner would show more restraint while campaigning, Trump continued to attack his political rivals, including both Texas Senator Ted Cruz and potential general election foe Hillary Clinton.

Trump revealed his key to outperforming Cruz in the Republican debates throughout the primary. "I beat him in every single debate," said Trump. "He was supposed to be a good debater. But he never had a debater like me, where I interrupt him every four words."

The former reality T.V. star then took aim at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, using Bernie Sander's recent attacks as his own firepower. "He said she suffers from bad judgment," said Trump, referring to Sanders' recent criticism of Clinton. "She does have bad judgment," Trump said to the thousands in attendance.

As election season heads toward Tuesday's quintet of primary contests in the Northeast that includes Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island and Connecticut, Trump made it clear he is "not toning it down."

Even if he claims "being presidential is easy — much easier than what I have to do,' he told the crowd in Bridgeport, Connecticut. 'Here, I have to rant and rave. I have to keep you people going. Otherwise you're going to fall asleep on me, right?'

Watch our Facebook Live video of a protester being removed here:


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