6 things you need in your purse for fashion week

5 Things You Need In Your Purse for Fashion Week
5 Things You Need In Your Purse for Fashion Week

Don't show up to New York Fashion Week unprepared! Be ready for anything that might come your way - from hunger pangs to low phone battery. See the list below for the 6 items you definitely want to have in your purse.

1. Portable phone charger -- make sure your phone stays fully juiced throughout the week so you never miss a photo opportunity or the chance to jot something down in your Notes app.

2. Business cards -- fashion week is a great place to network, what with all the designers, celebrities, public relations and marketing execs and more! Don't show up empty-handed and risk losing what could be an awesome business connection.

3. Hand sanitizer -- this is a must if you're taking the subway to any NYFW shows, or even a taxi. Plus, a lot of the shows and presentations serve food, so you'll want to subtly wash up before digging in.

4. Miniature perfume -- can you imagine anything worse than smelling bad at fashion week? Pick up a miniature or travel-sized version of your favorite fragrance so that everyone wants to sit next to you during the show.

5. Favorite lipstick -- definitely a must if you'll be partaking in any complementary food or drink, but good to have for touchups every few hours so you always look your best.

6. Kind bars -- the perfect snack to throw in your bag and curb your appetite without being unhealthy. The dried fruit and nut flavors are sure to quell your hunger, but you won't make a mess and it will be a nice little treat during what can be a very long week.

For more fashion week content straight off the runway, click here.

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