Millions of plastic balls are being dropped into this reservoir to save it from drought

LA Throws 96 Million 'Shade Balls' at Its Water Shortage & It's Mesmerizing
LA Throws 96 Million 'Shade Balls' at Its Water Shortage & It's Mesmerizing

The Los Angeles Reservoir has been at the center of the attention, just like many other reservoirs across California, due to the risk of drought.

Mayor Eric Garcetti has a solution: plastic balls. A lot of them.

Garcetti had 20,000 black plastic balls called "shade balls" dumped into the reservoir to protect its water. Each ball is a water-cleaning device that lowers the rates of evaporation and prevents animals from dirtying the area.

A total of 96 million have been already placed on the reservoir's surface and are also helping keeping algae from taking over the water and unwanted chemical reactions from happening.

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