Study: More feminine faces lead to civilized culture

Study: More Feminine Faces Lead To Civilized Culture
Study: More Feminine Faces Lead To Civilized Culture

Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" tells the story of a kind woman turning a hot-tempered beast into a civilized and charming man. Yes, it's a love story, but it also might shed light on how modern society was formed.

A study published in the journal 'Current Anthropology' suggests that human skulls became more feminine around the same time that culture became more civilized -- using tools, creating art, that sort of thing.

As testosterone levels decreased 50,000 years ago, the skulls became more feminine and rounded.

Around that time, people began to communicate more complex thoughts, they were kinder and able to cooperate more easily with each other.

The lead researcher believes testosterone levels decreased when people started living and working together and realized getting along and cooperating with one another was the key to survival -- and a previous study might back up this up.

Researchers found evidence that human faces evolved to reduce the damage when punched in the face. This was millions of years before they began acting civilized.

That's why men have visibly larger jaw, cheek, nose and brow bones compared to women. They were more likely to get in fights ... while women just talked about foes behind their backs.

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