'Nightmare Nanny' won't move out 3 weeks after being fired

Couple Says 'Nightmare Nanny' Won't Move Out After Being Fired
Couple Says 'Nightmare Nanny' Won't Move Out After Being Fired

Upland couple Marcella and Ralph Bracamonte were caught in what they described Thursday as a "nanny nightmare."

KTLA 5 reports: The Bracamontes fired their live-in nanny three weeks ago, but they said the woman was refusing to leave and even threatened the couple with legal action.

"She said, 'If you want me to go, you'll need to evict me. I have rights,'" Marcella Bracamonte said.

In March, Marcella Bracamonte placed an ad on Craigslist looking for a retiree to watch her three children and help around the house in exchange for room and board.

Dianne Stretton, 64, accepted the job and the Bracamontes said she was amazing -- at least at first.

"She completely reverted after a couple weeks into someone who didn't want to do anything and that only came out when it was time to eat," Ralph Bracamente said.

After asking Stretton repeatedly to help out around the house, Marcella Bracamonte said she gave her a last-chance letter, asking her to either live up to her part of the agreement or leave.

Stretton allegedly responded again by threatening legal action.

"If we're to lock her out of our house she could sue us, if we're to grab her stuff and throw it out of our house she can sue us," Ralph Bracamente said.

The Bracamontes said they tried everything to get the unwanted nanny to leave -- even turning off the cable and Internet and locking the refrigerator at night.

But that only made things worse, the couple said.

Instead of leaving, the couple said that Stretton threatened to sue them for breach of contract, wrongful termination, and false imprisonment.

The couple claimed that they recently discovered that Stretton had been involved in 37 lawsuits and had even sued several of her own family members.

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