The Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Get Back With an Ex This Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day 2024 Zodiac Exes Return

The cosmic energy of Valentine's Day this year is nothing short of melodramatic. With everyone on edge thanks to a tense moon square Venus in the earlier hours of the day, it's easy for things to get lost in translation. Feelings will be bruised and egos tested thanks to Mars cozying up next to Pluto, a few days ahead of Venus entering Aquarius on February 16. We feel the need to fight for a love that's uniquely ours, but in some cases, it's better to fight for ourselves. It's time to remove the rose-colored glasses and reset our expectations to be more realistic in love. We asked astrologer Brittany Beringer which three zodiac signs have the most work to transform their perspective on love. Here’s what she said.

Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Fall for Their Ex This Valentine’s Day

Aries: Most Likely To Make an Impulsive Decision in Love

On Valentine's Day, your ego may be in conflict with your heart and mind due to the North Node of Destiny and Chiron in Aries. This transit encourages you to make bold decisions for yourself, but when an ex makes their way around, you might take your passions a step too far! "If you’ve been impatient, karma will see that you’ll feel the consequences of jumping into things (or leaving) too quickly," says Beringer. Venus focuses on the legacy you want to be known for, and part of that expands beyond your love life. It's time to prioritize what you value most in life and find ways to invite that energy into your space.

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Libra: Most Likely to Fall for an Ex-Lover's Old Tricks

Fate might make you consider forgiving an ex for their mistakes, but you should be cautious of their sweet words. In the early hours of the day, the moon is putting pressure on your planetary ruler, Venus, which may cause hidden emotions to surface. The North Node will bring back sweet memories from the past, clouding your judgment, but be mindful not to give in to love too quickly. You'll see things more clearly once the moon shifts into Taurus later in the evening. "If the past visits you, consider whether your actions support your relationship goals and, as well, how you value yourself," Beringer says.

Virgo: Most Likely to Dig Up Old Memories From The Past

Valentine's Day 2024 is your chance to move on from heartbreak, but with the North Node of Destiny illuminating your sphere of karma and transitions, you'll need to confront your past to embrace your future. This may involve revisiting a few of your triumphs and failures in love and admitting where you played a part in things going wrong. Luckily, this exercise will be a healing experience thanks to Venus's help in easing anxieties and processing soul lessons. "This is a powerful time for self-care and creativity, so don’t skimp on rewarding yourself for the inner work you do with simple pleasures," Beringer advises.

UP NEXT: Your February Tarotscope: Prepare for a Drama-Filled Valentine’s Day.
