Zebra Tries to Join a Herd of Horses and Total Chaos Ensues

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Zebras and horses are so similar, but a video online shows how really different they are. Stable owner Megan revealed exactly what happened when her pet zebra broke free and tried to join her herd of horses. And let's just say that things turned chaotic so quickly.

It's not everyday that we see zebras and horses intermingling, but this is a good reason to keep them apart.

In the video the owner of D & S Stables shared, it shows the catastrophe that was her new pet zebra sneaking out of its enclosure.

Related: Woman's Over-the-Top Reaction to Feeding a Zebra Has People in Stitches

"That time I got a zebra and he got loose," she wrote in the onscreen caption. "Then he busted INTO my pasture to try and join the herd."

In the footage, the entire herd of horses were sprinting across the pasture. Coming in from the rear was the zebra, running faster than any of the other animals there.

"Horses are terrified of zebras," she wrote in the caption. Although if you ask us that's putting it lightly.

People in the comments section couldn't stop laughing. "All I can hear is him yelling 'Why are we running?'" joked one person. "From what I’ve heard about zebras. He prolly knew they were scared of him but wanted chaos," someone else pointed out. "He just wanted to be included in the herd. Probably not the best way to go about it but he's trying," a third person added. "The amount of chaos this little one caused," one commenter kidded.

Is It Legal to Own a Zebra in the United States?

The video really begs the question: is it legal to actually own a zebra? Well that's an interesting question. According to NPR, zebras are legal to own in most of the United States.

Some states don't require people to file paperwork to own a zebra and neither the American Association of Equine Practitioners nor the American Veterinary Medical Association require zebra ownership to be reported.

But that doesn't mean that everyone should get one. In fact, owning an exotic animal takes a lot of unique care that most people can't really handle. People often mistakenly believe zebras can be raised like horses, but they aren't domesticated like horses. And when pushed, zebras can actually be quite dangerous.

You also can't ride a zebra, which should dispel any fantasies of hitting the open plains on a zebra's back. All in all, zebra ownership should probably best be avoided. And if you're really hoping to see those iconic stripes, it's best to keep it to your next visit to the zoo.

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