The Finale Revealed Zack and Bliss's Fate in 'Love Is Blind' Season 4

love is blind zack bliss season 4
Zack and Bliss Officially Made It to the AltarNetflix

Love Is Blind Season 4 has already had major drama within the first five episodes. Two contestants, Irina and Micah, seemed to take glee in messing with the other women in the pods and watching their relationships fail. Many viewers saw Irina in particular as a villain due to her love triangle with criminal attorney Zack and senior program manager Bliss. Zack couldn't decide between the two women, and although audience members may have thought Bliss was a better fit, Zack went with Irina instead.

When talking with Entertainment Weekly, Bliss said Zack's decision shocked her. "I was surprised, honestly. Zack and I had built such a strong connection and I feel like I knew that he was my person," she says.

The two got engaged and met outside of the pods. But by Episode 5, it was clear Irina and Zack weren't meant to be. On the last night of the vacation, the two split up, and at the end of Episode 5, the show teased Zack and Bliss meeting back up again, with Zack admitting he chose the wrong person.

But even though he's single, Zack still has to convince Bliss to enter an engagement with him. And even if she stays with him, the couple may not be compatible outside of the pods. They still have to meet each other's families and see if their relationship can last the strain of the real world. Can Zack convince Bliss to give their relationship another try, or is it too late to go back? We've got the most up-to-date information on the couple below.

Are Zack and Bliss Together in Love Is Blind Season 4?

In Episode 6, the two meet for the first time since the pods. Zack admits he made the wrong choice. In Episode 7, Zack and Bliss go on a boat date and their chemistry is still there. At the end of the episode, Zack proposes to Bliss finally. In Episode 8, we see her accept.

bliss love is blind season 4
Bliss in Love Is Blind Season 4Netflix

In the show's final episode, we see the two meet at the altar and despite their love triangle and earlier drama, they officially get married! Talking with PEOPLE about the marriage, Bliss gave a message to viewers of the show: "My hope is that they see that this really is a story of second chances that we've all really needed. This man gave me no reason to not trust in his honesty and his intentions. So, I hope that's what they see."

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