Yellow Labrador's Rebellious Romp in a Mud Puddle Leaves Mom Speechless


When you have a dog, you have to expect the unexpected. Even the best-behaved canines can't resist an intrusive thought sometimes, but it's how you handle it that's most important. Yelling and scolding your dog won't help, so it's essential to take a deep breath before reacting whenever your pup acts out.

Sometimes, though, there's nothing you can even do or say to make a difference. As one Yellow Lab's mom learned, it takes one millisecond in a puddle of mud to create an irreversible situation. It's no wonder why she was speechless!

Moxie's adventure happened on April 9, but the muddy dog has been stealing hearts online ever since. Her video has over 3 million views and counting!

OMG--she is filthy! Moxie wasted no time diving into the mud puddle, and she knew once she was in, it was too late for her mom to stop her. The dog owner didn't even have the chance to get her phone out before Moxie was covered from nose to tail!

Related: Video of Dogs Living Their Best Lives While Enjoying the Mud Is Priceless

And we all know what the highlight of the video truly is: the frog! Even the mud-covered pup was flabbergasted by something hopping out of the mud like that, but seconds later, she went back to dunking her face in the puddle. Clearly, she didn't care that much.

The puddle-dwelling frog, on the other hand, had had enough of this nonsense! They wasted no time hopping from the Labrador Retriever to the stool covering the puddle (I can't be the only one with questions about that) and wanted nothing to do with the happy dog's splashing. I can't say that I blame them!

Even Moxie's buddy seemed confused about the chaos that went down in the puddle. The black dog came back several times to see what in the world had Mom reacting like that, but when they saw the Yellow Lab in the puddle, they weren't amused in the slightest.

Why Do Dogs Like Mud?

Moxie certainly isn't the first dog to take a dive in a mud puddle, and she won't be the last, either. But why are some furry friends so obsessed with the mud? For humans, mud smells gross and feels slimy on the skin, but for some curious dogs, it's like a spa day!

There are several reasons why a dog may roll in, dive in, or even eat mud, from covering up their scent to pure fun! Mud can also be a way for dogs to cool down during the summertime, though owners don't appreciate the mess that comes along with it. That's what happens when you have a dog, though--just ask Moxie!

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