Women in Business: Travel planner Pace Clayton rolls with it

Travel can change people. New cultures and new views can create new perspectives. It’s that mindset that shaped Pace Clayton and her travel consultancy, Book It Pace.

“I love traveling so much,” she says. “I think it's so important for people to experience it. It brings you back to the basics of meeting others, and experiencing their lifestyle and their culture, being appreciative and grateful for what you have at home, and also learning new things.”

But getting there – anywhere – can sometimes be a challenge. Even that offers an opportunity to see things differently.

Pace Clayton, entrepreneur and owner of Book it Pace
Pace Clayton, entrepreneur and owner of Book it Pace

“In travel, things always pop up, and it's not perfect, and it's so cool to be able to say, you know what, we're going to roll with it,” she says.

Rolling it with probably comes naturally for Clayton, who is the oldest of eight siblings.

“I've always been such an independent person,” she says. “I think any time that I had by myself, I just totally valued. I found that in travel. When I was 18, I was in Japan by myself. I think that was the first time where I got bit by the bug.”

Clayton studied business and fashion merchandising in college and then came to Greenville to work in real estate. It was here that also began teaching wellness classes and then pairing that passion with her love of travel through health and wellness trips.

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After about 13 years in the travel business, Clayton started her on brand, with a website that features the hotels and experiences that an experienced traveler – or travel guru, as Clayton calls them – would recommend. She and her team can plan the details of travel for clients so they can see the world with the benefit of her experience. An upfront “travel guru fee” means travelers can get as much or as little help as they need, including having someone just a phone call away if needed. From Iceland to Nepal, Clayton shares her knowledge and her excitement as those special trips are planned.

“I started my company about three years ago, and it has just blossomed and taken off,” she says. “I just love, love, love what I'm doing and I’m so excited to be able to share it with others.”

Clayton is grateful to be able to make her passion a career.

“If your heart is leading you in a direction and you have an idea and you think it may work, go for it, and the right tools will come to you,” she says. “I really think that we have desire and inspiration and energy towards things that are put in our heart for a reason.”

Learn more at bookitpace.com.

This article originally appeared on Herald-Journal: Women in Business: Pace Clayton rolls with it
