Woman Rates the Funny Things Her Ducks Do and It’s Just Too Cute

Shutterstock/Erwin Bosman

Many people dream of owning a farm and having a wide variety of animals to care for. The Little Cabin That Could is living their dream on their hobby farm, and have lots of pets including dogs, chickens, and three ducks. They shared a video in July of some of the funny things their ducks do, and it'll make you smile!

From the ducks ding-dong-ditching their mom to duck zoomies, they are so entertaining to watch. They even sneak out of bed at night like little kids! I think after watching this, all of us are going to want some pet ducks!

The Little Cabin That Could's video totally made my day! I like in the caption they say, "There is rarely a dull moment around here with these three ladies." Who needs Netflix when you can just watch the ducks! People got a kick out of the ducks and there was one thing that they all liked best, "Had to watch again to make sure l heard that right. Yep, they were laughing when you opened the front door Ahahahaha!!!" @Nealy pointed out, "They say the best things come in threes. Stooges, Musketeers, Powerpuff Girls..." @Kate Allen730 spoke for all of us when she said, "They're hilarious, I love them!!"

Related: Dapper Duck Wears a Bowtie to Meet His Fish Friends and It's Downright Perfect

Facts About Indian Runner Ducks

Several commenters mentioned that they want pet ducks like these three. @evedoofus said, "I want Indian runner ducks so bad!! They’re so funny!" They certainly have big personalities! I have family that used to have the same kind of ducks, and they were a hoot to watch. Don't they look like bowling pins with feathers? We called their ducks bowling pin ducks; I didn't even know they had another name! The Happy Chicken Coop shared, "When Indian Runner ducks were first imported to the United States they were often referred to as “Penguin Ducks.” They've got all kinds of names!

If you're looking for a bird that lays eggs that you can eat, runner ducks are it. Females can lay as many as 300 to 350 eggs a year. You'd never have to buy eggs again! The eggs come in shades of white and blue, and females lay big eggs that weigh about 2.8 to 3 ounces on average.

If you give them a lot of space, have a pond or other body of water, and have a lot of bugs around, you may not even have to feed them. Free-range runner ducks can fend for themselves. They are avid foragers that eat a wide variety of things like slugs, mosquitoes, snails, grass, wild greens, and small fish and crustaceans.

Runner ducks aren't like other domestic ducks. They're not big fans of water, they cannot fly, and they stand erect like penguins. My favorite thing about them is that they don't waddle like ducks, they run! They're actually pretty fast runners, too. They're known to race each other for fun and can reach speeds of up to 12 miles per hour. I wish that we had more space in our yard so that I could get a few of these funny ducks. It sounds like they're a great source of free entertainment!

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