Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Bradley needs to be called out for partisanship | Letters

I am not surprised that state Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley would try to defend her own improper partisanship by throwing stones at an opponent (“Justice rips partisanship but defends her own,” March 28).

But I am disappointed that columnist Daniel Bice did not push back harder. He quoted Bradley’s statements about her opponents “being ‘handmaidens of the Democratic Party’ who ‘deliver spoils’ to Democrats and ‘trample the rule of law.’”

Whereas in fact they are not “handmaidens,” “deliver[ing] spoils” or “trampling the rule of law.” They are simply supporting good public policy and the Constitution with regard to non-rigged maps and non-religion-based laws.

Richard W. Heiden, Milwaukee

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice's partisan comments out of line
