This Wine Hack Is Blowing Up On TikTok—But It Seems Super Sketchy

There's nothing as heartbreaking as discovering that your corkscrew is missing right when you're about to cozy up to Netflix with a glass of merlot. Fortunately for wine lovers, the internet has introduced us to dozens of—sometimes highly questionable—wine-opening hacks. And just recently, a peculiar new wine-opening hack has gone viral on social media.

The hack involves placing a heated flat iron on the neck of a wine bottle to gradually push out the cork, as seen in a TikTok shared by user @fondon97. The TikToker does successfully manage to open the bottle, but as crafty as the hack may seem, it would be wise to steer clear of this one.

High heat and glass pose a potentially dangerous combination—just ask the Thanksgiving fails crowd. According to Berlin Packaging, a supplier of packaging services, "when heated, thin glass begins to crack and typically breaks at 302–392°F." That particular temperature range can be reached using a flat iron, making the hair tool a questionable option for opening a bottle of wine.

There are plenty of other ways to open your bottle of wine without a corkscrew that don't involve shattering your bottle into thousand of little pieces.

Some of the most popular hacks call for items you can easily find around the house, like a hammer, knife, screw, scissors, or even a shoe. The latter involves putting a bottle of wine in a shoe and banging the shoe against a wall until the cork can be pulled out.

Nothing like an impromptu workout to get you ready for that glass of merlot.

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