Wiebes wins again on RideLondon Classique

Lorena Wiebes celebrates winning stage two of the  RideLondon Classique
Wiebes won all three stages of the RideLondon Classique in 2022 [Getty Images]

Dutch rider Lorena Wiebes made it two wins in as many days in the RideLondon Classique with victory on the second stage.

Wiebes followed up victory in the opening stage by finishing strongly again in a sprint finish to win the 143km run in the Essex town of Maldon.

She finished in three hours 33:26 minutes, with compatriot Charlotte Kool second and Belgium's Lotte Kopecky in third place.

Wiebes has a 20-second lead over Kopecky in the general classification going into Sundy's third and final stage.

"I had quite a good day," said Wiebes. "I was able to get two times the full bonus seconds on the climb. I enjoyed today."

The last stage of 91.2km will start in London, finishing at The Mall in Westminster.
