Wichita Public Schools superintendent sends letter to parents about ‘rash of incidents’

Wichita public schools

Following the third brawl at a Wichita high school this week and news of a second student being arrested with a gun, the Wichita Public Schools superintendent sent parents and guardians a letter about the “rash of incidents” this week.

“Public attention has been drawn to fights and students gathering to video the incident, as well as incidents of students bringing a weapon to school,” superintendent Dr. Alicia Thompson said in Friday’s letter. “Thankfully there have been no threats with the weapons, and no injuries during the fights, but we take each of these incidents seriously. The actions of a small number of our students who cause commotion and fear in our schools is completely unacceptable, and it must stop.”

Tuesday was the only day this week where there weren’t publicly-reported incidents of a brawl or arrest at a high school.

Arensman said the fights and arrests are not related.

“It is not normal for this many incidents to happen in one week, but sometimes incidents come in waves,” she said.

Thompson asked parents to remind their children that “disruptive behavior that threatens the learning environment of their school, and causes fear or disruption, will not be tolerated in our schools.”

She said a school official will update the school board at the Sept. 12 meeting about current safety precautions and ones “we will be excited to bring to our schools.”
