Why is my poop green?! What green stool means and how concerned you should be

People go to many extremes to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but generating green stool shouldn't be one of them.

Your morning trip to the bathrooom revealed you may have had one too many green beers last night. Do you need to be worried about green poop?

To find out all things green poop, we checked in with Mayo Clinic, UnityPoint Health, healthline.com and medicine.net.

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Here's what you need to know:

Is it OK if your poop is green?

According to mayoclinic.org, all shades of brown and even green poop are considered to be normal. It is rare for the color of your poop to indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition.

Is green poop an infection?

Maybe, according to medicine.net. Many people experience green diarrhea and it will usually go away on its own.

If you're experiencing severe diarrhea symptoms when your poop is green, your stool may be an indication of something more serious and you should contact a physician.

Why is my poop green?

The color of one's poop is generally dictated by the food you consume combined with the amount of bile that exists in your poop, according to mayoclinic.org.

What is bile? It's a yellow-green fluid that digests fats.

Enzymes chemically alter bile pigments as they make their journey through the gastrointestinal tract. This is what changes the color of your poop from brown to green..

What does green poop mean?

According to mayoclinic.org, the bile doesn't have time to break down completely due to food moving through the large intestine too fast — such as diarrhea.

What causes green poop?

According to mayoclinic.org, there are few dietary items that bring about green poop:

  • Green food coloring (dyed beer, flavored drink mixes or ice pops).

  • Green leafy vegetables.

  • Iron supplements.

According to UnityHealth, other causes for green poop may include:

  • Bacterial or viral infections.

  • Gastrointestinal disorders − such as Crohn’s or celiac disease.

Why is my poop green, but I didn't eat anything green?

Foods using artificial or natural food coloring struggle with absorption while they pass through gastorintestinal system, according to healthline.com. This allows for blue and purple foods to leve behind a residue and that leaves poop green during the digestive process.

Such food tiems include:

  • Blue or purple ice pops.

  • Blue or purple icing.

  • Blueberries

  • Grape-flavored sodas

  • Red cabbage.

Does green poop mean a bad liver?

Bile is created in the liver, but green poop does not an indication that your liver is going bad, according to UnityHealth.

Why is my poop black?

According to mayoclinic.org, some dietary reasons for black poop include black licorice, iron supplements and bismuth subsalicylate — which is basically Kaopectate or Pepto-Bismol. However, you shouldn't take black poop lightly.

What does black poop mean?

Black poop may be a sign of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract — such as the stomach — according to mayoclinic.org. Anyone who discovers black poop after a bowel movement should seek immediate medical attention.

Chris Sims is a digital content producer for Midwest Connect Gannett. Follow him on Twitter: @ChrisFSims.

This article originally appeared on Journal Star: What does green poop mean? Should I be concerned?
